Friday, April 11, 2014

29 thus far...

Another year, another bout of disappointments.

Here are some things that I've realized/done/thought/etc in this first month:

1. Realized that Gossip Girl never wanted the idea of a speak easy to die...and beat the idea to death.
2. Am I stuck in my job for the rest of my life?
3. My iphone doesn't want me to online date. It actually refuses to let programs work. Thanks Siri, but please God, don't let me end up alone forever.
4. Apartment hunting hurts my brain. Who knew it would be so hard to find a place I can afford and then to have people want to take my money.
5. In the same does one break up with a broker?
6. I was meant to wear expensive clothing, I just don't have the money for it yet.
7. According to one of my best friends, I'm going to be her last shot at being a rich friend if I marry someone as she said "completely not my type" and is counting on me for future summer house visits. ha
8. I've been falling asleep on my couch a little too often for even my own taste.
9. I have bones that are worse than any person I've ever met and more severe than my own grandmother. 
10. I'm really dreading peeing in a "toxic waste" bucket for a day. I'm not kidding. This is in reference to #9.
11. $25 dollars doesn't pay for the tears 9 &10 have caused or will cause
12. more often than not, I have this very strong desire to just disappear and move to some random rural town and be an artist of some sort. 
13. If I committed to #12, where do I go? What do I do?
14. Where are normal guys?
15. No, seriously...where are normal guys?
16. Why on earth am I still ALWAYS cold?

Mulling over these thoughts in addition to so many others that my brain is in a perpetual state of ache.



Saturday, March 22, 2014

oh, hello there.

So many people these days feel like they've become the ultimate authority on what's hip. I'm not one of those people. I like what I like and I don't really care what you or anybody else for that matter thinks about it. However, I can't help but think what truly goes through the minds of people that start these blogs and how they think that they are actually a figurative spearhead for what you should or should not purchase/visit/make etc etc.

I think this should be misnomer for these sites:


I'm rich/famous or at least I'm trying to be. Here's a bunch of really expensive things I'm going to recommend that you should buy. I'm probably being paid to say this or have been gifted these items and majority of these things you definitely cannot afford. Hope you don't get too depressed as you look at these photo shopped pictures of me doing fabulous things that no normal person does. I don't go anywhere without a personal photographer to take photos of me in outfits I think are cute, especially when I'm drinking non fat iced lattes. Maybe I just have too much time on my hands.

Wishing you all the best,


So as I venture into random blogdom, know that my expectations are very, very low. I'm not claiming to be an authority on anything for that matter. These are my experiences and my thoughts, that's all. I'm just a Midwestern born girl, raised in the southwest who's now living in the confines of the largest most exhilaratingly scariest city in the United States. 

Thanks for listening,